Pressure Equalization Control
For incubated egg embryos to achieve optimal development, chick quality, and hatchability, maintaining the right temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO2) to oxygen balance is absolutely vital. Proper ventilation in hatchery rooms is key in providing the most consistent environment for developing embryos.
The PEC-1 controls hatchery ventilation through its variety of features:
- Maintains static pressure at 0 or set value by changing fan speed
- Digital static pressure display
- Remote solid state pressure transmitter
- Adjustable minimum fan speed
- Selectable control sensitivity
- Can be use in exhaust or intake mode
Two settings on the display are available. The minimum fan speed can be set to match the idle capability of the fan controlled by the PEC-1. The desired room static pressure is set to establish the control logic for pressure control.
Installation Details
- The SPS-1 static pressure sensor can be installed up to 500 feet from the PEC-1 control unit.
- A three-wire cable of 22 AWG conductors is used to connect the transmitter to the control unit.
- The transmitter box can be located on either an inside wall or an outside wall, or even the ceiling if necessary.
- If the transmitter is mounted outside, it must be in a protected location so that wind and weather does not disturb the air inlet to the transmitter.
- If the transmitter is mounted on the inside of the building, the flexible vinyl tube that would be connected to the exterior probe inlet must also be in a protected location on the outside of the building.
- Manages minimum fan speed and chamber pressure
- No calibration required
Maintains static pressure at 0 or at the set value by changing fan speed. Includes digital display to view static pressure, adjustable minimum fan speed, and adjustable controller sensitivity. No calibration required.