Shipping & Returns

Shipping & Return Policy

30 day money back guarantee applicable only on purchases made on

Our products are manufactured to the highest industry standards. Though we employ robust quality control protocols, defects occasionally occur. If your product is still within the 30 day trial period and you have confirmed with our support department, a refund or exchange is possible. Simply follow our instructions.

Only products purchased from our online store are subject to the 30 day refund or exchange period.

Shipping Policy

  • Order Processing Times
    • From the moment an order is placed, it is added to our schedule. Our inventory is scheduled to ship orders within 5 to 10 business days.
  • Shipping Costs
    • Shipping costs may vary from state to state depending on current standards. The charges and carrier will be indicated once you have entered your shipping address.
  • Returns, Changes and Cancellations
    • Orders can be refunded, exchanged, or returned within 30 days of purchase. It is possible to cancel your order within 48 hours of your purchase by contacting our support department.
  • Service Interruptions
    • Situations beyond our control may arise. Orders may take longer than expected to process. Our online store is regularly updated to ensure that you do not order a product that is out of stock.

Return Instructions 

For a refund or an exchange, fill out our REP (Return Exchange and Policy) and return the product in its original packaging. Include a completed copy of the refund document. 

1291 Ampère
Boucherville, Qc
Canada, J4B 5Z5

Upon receipt of your package, a confirmation email will be sent to you.